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  • Writer's picturelaurieannhaus

Welcome to My New Blog!

I never assume that anyone will take time to read long entries so I plan to express myself openly and randomly on this blog as if no one is reading. Ultimately, the main goal of this blog is to acknowledge the many beautiful moments of my life, much of which inspire my music and art and help me give daily thanks for the many gifts I have been given in this short life. I mostly see this blog as more of a musing and writing exercise since it has been a bucket list goal of mine to improve my writing abilities. If you are looking for inspiration, this may be a place to check back with from time to time. To start off, here is a brief snapshot of random beauty from my trip to Glen Coe, Scotland.

At the time I was staying at a youth hostel and I insisted that we awake early morning to catch the sun rising over the over the peaks as the highlands are always reliably dramatic.

I have been to Scotland twice and I miss it every time I leave. I will likely include a blog post about my many travels, perhaps break it apart focusing on each moment, bit by bit. I have seen a lot of the world and have had a lot of notable adventures. I might as well document them.

Until then Happy Spring!

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